Surgical Services

Cat & dog surgeries are a form of treatment that many, if not most, pets will require at some point in their lives. From spay and neuter to mass removals, there will almost certainly come a time when your loved one will have need of our surgery services here in Fairfax.

Discussing surgery for your pet might give you some anxiety, but we welcome any questions you have about the process. We’ll be sure to provide you with all the answers you need to make an informed decision.

With state-of-the-art technology and an outstanding veterinary team, we can promise you that your pet’s surgical procedure will be performed with the utmost safety and care.

Our veterinarians in Fairfax have the knowledge and expertise to perform oral, soft-tissue, and orthopedic cat and dog surgeries. These include but are not limited the following:

Soft-Tissue Procedures

  • Spaying & neutering
  • Tumor removal
  • Cystotomy
  • Foreign body
  • Bloat surgery
  • Exploratory surgery

Orthopedic Procedures

  • Extracapsular repair
  • Bone fracture repair (internal/external fixation)
  • TightRope CCL knee repair

Oral Procedures

  • Tooth extractions
  • Oral tumor removals
  • Jaw fracture repair

Safety Protocols

The safety of your pet before, during, and after surgery is our highest priority, and we go the extra mile to make sure they’re comfortable and closely monitored at all times. Before we perform any cat or dog surgery, we conduct a pre-surgical exam and blood testing to check for health issues. We also require that your pet be up-to-date on their core vaccinations. If your pet has an underlying illness or other condition that could interfere with anesthesia, we’ll postpone their procedure and work on treating the problem. 

IV fluids, antibiotics, and analgesics will be administered to your pet during their surgery. They will also have a heated water blanket to keep their temperature at a healthy level, which will be checked every 20 minutes. During their surgery and recovery, a technician will be at your pet’s side to monitor their vitals and be a friendly face for them to wake up to. Once your pet is fully awake and able to stand on their own, we’ll call you and go over all post-op care instructions when you arrive. 

We’re committed to making cat and dog surgeries as stress-free as possible for pets and their owners, and we’re always happy to address your questions and concerns. To learn more about our veterinary surgery services in Fairfax or to schedule a procedure for your loved one, reach out to us at (703) 273-2110.