What is dog acupuncture?

Dog acupuncture is a component of traditional Chinese veterinary medicine that involves using points along meridians on the body to restore the natural homeostasis of the body. It is an effective method for treating various medical conditions in pets who are receptive to it and may not respond well to traditional Western medications.

Dr. Matt Novarr

Are there any contraindications or limitations to acupuncture?

There are no real contraindications to using acupuncture, provided the patient is comfortable and allows for safe needle placement. There are no age limitations either, but it may be challenging to perform acupuncture on rambunctious puppies due to the risk of needles being dislodged.

What conditions can acupuncture treat in dogs?

Acupuncture can be used to treat a wide range of conditions, including skin issues, itchiness, and gastrointestinal problems. However, the most common conditions treated with acupuncture are arthritic and neurologic issues. It can be used as a sole treatment or in conjunction with traditional Western medications.

How does acupuncture benefit dogs with arthritis?

Acupuncture can work synergistically with traditional Western medications to help manage arthritis in dogs. It is often part of a comprehensive approach that includes setting up the home environment for success to prevent injuries and make it easier for owners to care for their arthritic pets.

What can I expect from an acupuncture appointment?

An acupuncture appointment is typically not just about the acupuncture itself. It often involves addressing the overall needs of arthritic dogs and cats, including home environment adjustments and discussions on how to manage various medical conditions as pets age.

How can I find out if acupuncture is right for my pet?

If you have questions or concerns about whether acupuncture is right for your pet, it's recommended to contact your local veterinary clinic. Setting up an appointment can allow for a thorough discussion of your pet's needs and how best to address them moving forward.

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