What is the most common orthopedic issue you see in pets?

The most common issue, I would say, is osteoarthritis as our patients age. These are general age-related changes in the joints that cause inflammation, pain, and discomfort. This pretty much affects all geriatric patients across the board.

Dr. Andrew D. Nguyen

What about more acute injuries in pets?

When it comes to more acute injuries, cranial cruciate ligament injuries, or ACL injuries, are fairly common in our dogs as well.

How can pet owners identify signs of orthopedic issues in their pets?

This one's a tough one because our patients don't talk to us, and some of them are very stoic in nature, depending on the dog. Signs can be as subtle and nonspecific as just mild panting, slowing down a little bit on walks, hesitancy to do certain athletic things that they've done in the past without issue, like jumping on the bed or getting up and down off the couch. Certainly, those are the earliest signs and potential indicators. If something is very acute and painful, you might see very obvious signs like yelping, vocalization, complete lameness, and obviously, those are signs of discomfort and should be addressed.

Are certain dog breeds more prone to orthopedic issues?

Yes, what we call in general chondrodystrophic dog breeds, like bulldogs and Frenchies, have been bred in a way where their arms and legs have a curvature that is skewed from normal. This is a product of how we've wanted these breeds to look over the years. However, it's not the best confirmation for them as far as biomechanics, and they succumb to earlier onset of arthritis because those joints just aren't mechanically normal. Sometimes, they also succumb to certain injuries for the same reason.

What are some specific orthopedic issues in smaller breed dogs?

Smaller breed dogs like Chihuahuas, Malteses, and Shih Tzus, which are also chondrodystrophic breeds, sometimes experience patella luxation. This means their kneecaps don't ride normally and can ride outside of the normal groove, causing arthritis and injury in the long term.

How do orthopedic issues differ in large breed dogs?

In general, large breed dogs are more at risk for arthritis issues due to their size. If a small dog gets arthritis, their owner can carry them around when they're 15 pounds or 10 pounds, and they can still live a good quality of life with managed pain control. However, for large breeds like Great Danes, arthritis can be a limiting factor for quality of life. Sometimes, the only option is euthanasia because we can't manage the pain and the dog can't get around, and obviously, you can't carry a 125-pound dog around. So, with large breed dogs, I always stress the importance of weight and body conformation being as ideal as possible versus being overweight.

What can pet owners do to prevent orthopedic issues in their pets?

Perfect segue, weight loss, good body condition score, and exercise are crucial. There are also medications like joint supplements, glucosamine, and chondroitin sulfate that may help. But I think the biggest thing, honestly, is maintaining an ideal body weight, especially for chondrodystrophic breeds or large breeds.

If you still have other questions and you'd like to reach out to us, you can call us directly at (703) 273-2110, or you can email us at [email protected]. But please do reach out, and we'll get back to you as fast as we can. Don't forget to follow us on social media Facebook, Instagram